Hotel mapping is one of the complex platforms considering the huge volume of the hotel inventories coming from different sources. There is no one copy of a hotel inventory that remains unique or all the time. The data needs to be constantly updated and refreshed all the time, no matter from what is the source of that data.
During all these data processing, there is a possibility of creation of duplicate hotels sometimes systems or via manual efforts. In Vervotech platform sometimes you may find two type duplicates -
- Vervotech duplicates - When one hotel is mapped under two different hotels it is a duplicate from Vervotech side. If you find any duplicate, please refer How to report Vervotech Duplicates?
- Supplier duplicates - When one hotel is mapped under two different supplier ids, it is a duplicate from respective supplier side. If you find any such duplicate, that needs to be reported to supplier's support team for the fix.
In case of supplier duplicates, we do not have any control over supplier's data to fix it. You need to report it to the supplier. If needed we will be happy to assist as and when any details or intervention needed from our side.